Thursday, November 22, 2007

Unlocked the detail info

(中文版. Please scroll down for English Version.)
「我希望,這個世界所有人,無論有錢與否,也能夠聽到inspiring,有 quality音樂、音樂會。」因為這個夢,這個信念,獨立音樂唱作人程理高 Unlocked 音樂會,將於12月14至16日,假前進進牛棚藝術村舉行,歡迎所有人進場,費用全免。
程理高,一個廣告音樂人也是一個獨立音樂唱作人,過去曾發表過兩張個人專輯和舉辦過自己的音樂會。直至 4個多月前,他發現了自己有一個夢想,一個原來由大學時期已開始發的夢。「我夢想,我可以有免費的音樂會,免費的專輯。只要任何人願意來願意聽,無論你是富有或貧窮,也可以聽到我的音樂。」
他的音樂,可以免費,但製作費卻是必需的。於是,他開了一個Blog,開了一個非牟利的戶口,並在網上呼籲,如果有人相信這個夢,樂意跟他尋夢,可以捐錢,待 CD完成後,即使有否捐錢,也可以免費送贈所有知音人。結果,他成功了。第二步,就是舉辦這個音樂會。
音樂充滿力量,理應是雅俗共賞,既然有質素的音樂,可以免費,音樂會,一樣也可以是免費的。他一反傳統觀念,以 “Unlocked” 為是次音樂會的主題,目的是要真正釋放音樂的力量。
當然,舉辦音樂會是需要資金的。他今次所需的資金是 $80,000,比專輯多出近 9倍,那是因為除了租用音響和場地的費用外,他找來幫忙的,全都是專業音樂人、設計師和製作人。所籌集得的金額,雖暫未達標,但他仍然努力,仍然堅持,相信夢想。
「程理高:Unlocked 音樂會」 日期:2007年12月14至16日 (星期五,六,日) 時間:8pm (星期五,六,日) / 3pm (星期日) 地點:前進進牛棚藝術村 費用:全免 詳情:
現金或櫃員機轉賬 銀行名稱: 恆生銀行 戶口號碼: 383-529781-668
郵寄支票 抬頭: "Tsing, Adrian Li-Ko" 或 "程理高" 郵寄地址: Shop C., G/F 56-58 Sun Chun Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong
Paypal Email Address:
Profile: 現職廣告音樂創作人的程理高(Adrian),曾創作的廣告音樂包括:McDonalds, Neutrogena, Rejoice, BMW, Nokia, Samsung Anycall等。另外亦曾任劇場的音樂總監和音樂創作,包括:樹寧現在式單位:海闊天空(香港藝術節2002);7A班戲劇組:像我這樣的一個城市(香港藝術節2005),我的舞蹈生涯(香港藝術節2007)。96年畢業於加拿大西安大略省大學音樂系,主修色士風及指揮。他在數年前已自資與幾位音樂愛好者合搞演奏,亦把創作的音樂上載於網上。
於2007年11月23日後到DY Club Cafe Gallery索取
聯絡我們: 程理高(Adrian Tsing)/ Jennifer Chiang 電話:9416-2123 /9750-5254 電郵,
(English Version)
“I hope everyone in this world can enjoy inspiring and high quality music and concert,” indie singer-songwriter Adrian Tsing says. His dream has inspired him to hold his Unlocked concert at the Cattle Depot from December 14 to 16. Everyone is welcome. It is FREE.
Adrian is currently an advertising musician as well. He released two albums and held two concerts previously. His ultimate dream, which he first had while studying in university, returned to him four months ago. “I had dreams where I could hold concerts that anybody could come and listen to. It doesn't matter if you can afford it or not, you can come if you wish to. You don't have to worry about money, all you need to have is the desire to come and enjoy the music.”
Adrian’s music is free but the production is not. Therefore, he put his dream into action by releasing his third album in a special way. He started a weblog and opened a bank account. Then, he spread the message on the internet. People who are interested in listening to his music are welcome to put money in his bank account. You can put $1, or $1,000, or any other amount you prefer. After he collected enough money, he started making the CDs. Regardless of the size of their contribution, you could pick up a copy of the CD just because he would like to have it. It is totally free.
With this dream being turned into reality successfully, Adrian is using the same concept for his Unlocked concert. The concert title “Unlocked” bears the idea of releasing the power of music in a non-traditional way.
The production cost involved for this concert amounted to $80,000, a whopping nine times more than the production of his album. In addition to the venue and sound system rental fees, Adrian has invited professional musicians, designers, and production crew. He firmly believes in his dream and is confident he will achieve his goal in future.
Adrian Tsing: Unlocked Concert Date: December 14 to 16, 2007 (Friday to Sunday) Time: 8pm (Friday to Sunday) / 3pm (Sunday) Venue: No. 7, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd. To Kwa Wan, Kowloon Price: FREE Website URL:
How to Send Me Money?
Cash or Account Transfer Name of Bank : Hang Seng Bank Bank Acc Number: 383-529781-668
Cheques Payable To: Tsing, Adrian Li-Ko Mailing Address: Shop C., G/F 56-58 Sun Chun Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong
Paypal Email Address:
Profile: Adrian is currently an advertising musician. His works include McDonalds, Neutrogena, Rejoice, BMW, Nokia, Samsung Anycall, to name a few. He was also a musical director and composed music for drama productions such as The Untouchable Sky, a 2002 Hong Kong Arts Festival Program by Shu Ning Presentation Unit; i-City, a 2005 Hong Kong Arts Festival Program by Class 7A Drama Group Limited; and My Life as a Dancer, a 2007 Hong Kong Arts Festival Program. Adrian graduated from the University of Western Ontario in Canada in 1996, majoring in saxophone and conducting. He started organizing his own concert with several music lovers a few years ago. You may also find his music works on the internet.
How to Get Tickets?
Pick up at Mackie Study after Nov 23, 2007.
Pick up at DY Club Cafe Gallery after Nov 23, 2007.
Contact Us: Adrian Tsing / Jennifer Chiang Phone Numbers:9416-2123 /9750-5254 Email,

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